
Staying Positive is Easy….Really? Maybe…

Originally posted on LinkedIn on June 21, 2018

No matter how hard they try even the most positive people find themselves thinking not so positive thoughts sometimes. Life is not always a positive experience. Everybody struggles with thoughts of “life is hard” and “life is unfair” but it is how you handle it that makes you a Positive Penny or a Negative Nelly.

There are so many books out there that tell you to stay positive, think good thoughts and good things will happen and all sorts of what seems like mumbo jumbo hooey. However, there is some truth that lies within the pages of these books and videos. I have read a few and several tell you the same things just in different ways and they all have their theories. The key is finding the right one that works for you and helps you to be positive. Yeah, you may wake up feeling like the world is against you or that things are really not going the way that you want them to, but you got to make your brain turn those bad feelings around. That is not always easy. I still struggle with it as I am sure that even the most postive person in the world struggles with staying positve at times, but remember we are all unique and we all have different ways to keep our mental state healthy.

Here are my top 10 quotes/songs that help me to turn my negatives into positives. Some quotes are my own and some are not and the songs may be a little cheesy but they help my mentality in a very positive way. What do you think? I would like to hear what songs or quotes change your mood.

  1. Pain is inevitable, misery is optional. How you decide to deal with the pain is up to you.
  2. The ability to get up out of bed is a gift, embrace it and make the most of it. –
  3. “It’s not human nature to be great. It’s human nature to survive, to be average and do what you have to do to get by. That is normal. When you have something good happen, it’s the special people that can stay focused and keep paying attention to detail, working to get better and not being satisfied with what they have accomplished.” — Nick Saban
  4. “Happy” – Pharrell Williams
  5. “Can’t Stop The Feeling” – Justin Timberlake
  6. Surround yourself with those who believe in you no matter your faults or shortcomings.
  7. It doesn’t matter what you did yesterday, you got to get out there and go after it again today.
  8. Those around you can affect you in many ways but is it ultimately up to you to have the strength to maintain a positive attitude from within.
  9. There is only one person in charge of your happiness and you have to look them in the eye every morning in the mirror.
  10. Every day is another challenge. It is your choice on how to handle it. Do you smack it down while yelling “Take that!” or do you let it beat you?